Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Theme 2: System-Air and the Respiratory System

Let's see the overview of this unit on Air and the Respiratory system. Just click to enlarge it. 1.The human respiratory system and their functions. Humans use lungs to breathe. Let's learn more. Click on the following links:
  1. Find out the names and functions of the parts of the respiratory system.
  2. Find out how we breathe.
  3. Click on the blanks in the graphic organiser and type in the answers.

- Lungs

-How we breathe 2.The fish respiratory system and their functions.

Fishes breathe differently than us. Fishes use gills and take in water that contains dissolved oxygen. Dolphins, whale, dugongs and platypus are a few examples of mammals which use lungs to breathe. Let's observe how fishes breathe. View the video below to find out how water (containing dissolved oxygen) enters the mouth and passes through the gills. 3. The plant respiratory system and their functions. Plants uses stomata which are found on the underside of leaves for the exchange of gases. Let's take a look.

Reflect: Compare the differences and similarities among human, fish and plant respiratory systems.


Anonymous said...

The differences among human,fish and plant respitory systems is human use lungs to breathe,fish use gills to breathe and the plants use stomata to breathe.The similarities is human,fish and plants the breathe in oxgen and breate out carbon dioxide

Anonymous said...

Sorry I wanted to do it again because the first one there is alot spelling error.The difference among human,fish and plants respitarory systems is human use lungs to breathe,the fish use gill to breathe and the plants use stomata to breathe.The similarities is human breathe in oxgen and breathe out carbon dioxide.The fish breathe in dissolve oxgen and breathe out carbon dioxide.During respiration plants breathe in oxgen and breathe carbon dioxide.