Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Theme 2: System-The Circulatory System

The Circulatory System of Human Let's have a look at the overview of the human circulatory system. Just click to enlarge.
  1. Interactive game challenges you to put together your organs in a 3D jigsaw puzzle. Click on 'Organs Game'. Try arranging the heart and lungs in their correct position.
  2. Learn how the heart pumps blood
  3. Animation of a heart
  4. Animation of red blood cells The Circulatory System of Plants Let's have a look at the overview of the plant circulatory system. Just click to enlarge. Reflection: How similar and different are the circulatory systems of human and plants?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The similar between the circulatory system of human and plants are they have tubes.The human tubes are called the blood vessels.Blood vessels are tubes which enable blood to be transported.While the plants,they have xylem tubes and phloem tubes.The xylem tubes transport water and mineral salts,from the roots to the leaves.The phloem tube transport food from the leaves to all parts of the plant.The different is the plants do not have heart while the human have heart.